티스토리 뷰
이미 모두 다 알고있는
카카오톡 시리아 평화주둔 미군의 로맨스 스캠을 경험하고 나서
여기저기 도사리고 있는 로맨스 스캠을 살짝 살짝 건드려 보며 이건 또 어떤 수법이지? 하던 근래..
MeeFF 발 로맨스 스캠 시도를 발견했습니다.
미프에서의 아나스타샤..
누가 봐도 어디서 캡쳐한 사진같죠. 아님말고.
메일 주소 알려달래서 보내주었던 메일.
일단 얼굴이 바뀌었습니다.
노메이크업이겠거니 했는데.. 다른 사람입니다.
아나스타샤의 메일 전문 : "Hello!
Thanks for your letter. I'm glad you wrote to me. I will hope that in the future we will have a good relationship.
I do not know what to say in my first letter, because I have never met through the Internet before. This is something new and unusual for me. But I will try to write you good letters. Please do not be too strict on my mistakes in words.
So, a little about me. You know that my name is Anastasiya. I was born on May 15, 1991. I am 28 years old. My height is 169 cm. My weight is 51 kg. I live in the city of Kazan. Kazan is a famous city of Russia. In our city there are a lot of events, sporting events. It is a very beautiful and big city. Have you ever heard of Kazan?
I have an education. I graduated from college as a hairdresser. I entered college after graduation, and immediately after graduating from college I went to work as a hairdresser. Now I work in a beauty salon. I really love my job, despite the low salary.
Now I do not have a man, I am completely lonely and free for relationships. I have no children and I have never been married. I live alone in my apartment. I have a mother who lives separately from me. My mom is already retired. My father left us when I was little. I have never seen him and I don’t know who he is.
I want you to tell me about you and your life too. Tell me, what's your name? Where were you born and in what city do you live? When's your birthday? Where do you work? Do you have a family? Or are you alone? It’s really very interesting for me to learn all about your life. Therefore, I hope that you will answer all my questions.
I'm glad you answered me.
I am sending you my photos again. Do you like them? I will also be waiting for your photos in the next letter.
I think we can talk on the phone. I don’t know how much the call to your country costs. But I think that it is not very expensive. Therefore, if you want, you can give me your number. I will call you and we will talk. I will be happy to hear your voice.
I will look forward to your reply.
대학에서 헤어드레서 과정을 공부했고 91년생이며 28살. 169cm 의 훤칠한 키에 51kg 이라는 신상명세까지 친절한 설명. 돈은 많이 주지 않지만 뷰티살롱에서 헤어드레서를 하고 있으며 싱글이다.
당신에 대해 더 알고싶다. 어디살고. 생일은 언제이며 무슨 일을 하는지 가족관계 그리고 추가 사진까지 보내줍니다. 그리고 당신 사진도 보내달라는 아나스타샤. 돈이 좀 들긴 하겠지만 전화통화도 하고 싶다는 그녀. 전화번호 주면 전화하겠다네요.
미안 아나스타샤. 여기까지..만.
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